Thursday, December 6, 2012

45 Fantastic Ways to Burn Calories

  OK, here are the next 3 tips on how to burn calories. Remember, check in everyday and you will receive 3 new tips from my ebook 45 Fantastic Ways To Burn Calories. I will publish 3 per day for two weeks. By the end of the two weeks, you will have the whole ebook free of charge.

Note: If you miss any of the tips for the day, simply check for the label on the right-hand side of the screen under -- burn calories (tips 1-3, etc.). Click the tips tag that you missed, and copy them to read. Also, feel free to send them to your friends, family, etc.

Tip 13: Eating to Heal Your Metabolism


Have you spent years trying one diet after another? Have you lost weight – and regained it – more times than you can count? Do you find it nearly impossible to lose weight, even when you drastically reduce your calories? If so, your metabolism might be sluggish due to chronic dieting.
Luckily, the way you eat can actually heal your metabolism. Instead of eating three large meals a day, as many of us were taught to do, you can keep your metabolism in high gear by eating 6 small meals throughout the day. Eat at or just below the recommended caloric intake for someone of your weight. You might see a small initial weight gain when you start to eat this way, but soon the pounds will begin to vanish.
Be sure to drink plenty of water, too. It will keep your kidneys from becoming overburdened and prevent them from calling on your liver for backup. When the liver has to act as a secondary filtration system, it isn’t doing its primary job of metabolizing fat – and the pounds will pile on as a result.
Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle

Tip 14: The Facts about Fasting


People fast for various reasons. While fasting has been a persistent approach to weight loss for countless years, the fact is that any rapid weight loss that comes from fasting is only temporary.
A lot of the initial weight loss comes from a reduction in food intake. We get quite a bit of our fluids from food, so when we don’t eat, we lose water weight. Losing water is not the same as losing fat, and the water weight you lose during a fast will come back when you start eating again.
As it turns out, fasting isn’t even necessary. Some people claim that it helps to give the body a break every now and then, but as long as the body is in good health, it is amazingly efficient.
If you decide to go on a fast, try doing a raw or whole food fast. This involves giving up fast food, processed foods, and even cooked foods for several days at a time. You will get plenty of nutrition without the chemical additives that so many of us have sensitivities to. Drink plenty of clean, pure water during your fast, and you will feel better in no time!

Learn more about weight loss now!


Tip 15: The Dangers of Trans Fats


Did you know that many of your favorite baked goods contain a dangerous substance called trans fat? It’s true; margarine, cakes, cookies, and even breakfast cereal can give you an unhealthy dose of this harmful fat.
Why is trans fat so bad for you? Unlike heart-healthy unsaturated fat, trans fats actually clog your arteries, raise your bad cholesterol, and lower your good cholesterol level. This triple-whammy is responsible for thousands of heart attacks each year. In fact, trans fats are so dangerous that experts predict the health care industry would save $56 billion over the next 20 years if trans fats were eliminated from all foods.
You can protect yourself from trans fats by reading the labels of the food you buy. If you see margarine or hydrogenated oil on the ingredient list, the food contains trans fat.

How would you like to transform your body without living at the gym? Check out Tom Venuto’s “Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle” powerful weight loss system:
Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle
Tomorrow's Tips:

Tip 16: Enjoy Snacks Under 100 Calories Apiece

Tip 17: Savor Desserts Under 200 Calories Each

Tip 18: Fill Up on Low-Glycemic Fruits

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