Tuesday, December 4, 2012

45 Fantastic Ways to Burn Calories

 OK, here are the next 3 tips on how to burn calories. Remember, check in everyday and you will receive 3 new tips from my ebook 45 Fantastic Ways To Burn Calories. I will publish 3 per day for two weeks. By the end of the two weeks, you will have the whole ebook free of charge.

Note: If you miss any of the tips for the day, simply check for the label on the right-hand side of the screen under -- burn calories (tips 1-3, etc.). Click the tips tag that you missed, and copy them to read. Also, feel free to send them to your friends, family, etc.

Tip 7: How to Order when Eating Out


You don’t need to give up your favorite restaurants just because you’re on a diet. All you have to do is learn how to dine out the smart way.
First, skip the bread basket. It’s far too easy to overindulge, and bread is dense in carbs and calories. Second, look for entrees that feature grilled fish or chicken, with steamed vegetables on the side.
Avoid sauces made from butter or cream, and ignore the deep-fried foods altogether. Such splurges are fine for special occasions, but if you eat them more than once a week, you might stall your weight loss.
Finally, be aware that most restaurant portion sizes are out of control. You can fight this by splitting an entrée, ordering an appetizer instead of an entrée, or boxing up half of your meal before you dig in.
Here's a great place to get help with all your menu planning needs and grocery suggestions: Get Customized Meal Plans At The Click Of A Button - Menu Planning Central - Where You Always Know What's For Dinner

Tip 8: How to Spice Up and Burn Calories


You may have heard that spicy foods can help you lose weight. While the science behind this is shaky, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence to suggest that this is the case.
Spicy foods can slash your cravings by overpowering your taste buds. The fiery flavor causes you to eat less than you normally would.
Certain spices are thought to have a thermogenic effect, which means they speed up the rate at which your body converts calories into energy. Chili peppers in particular are believed to boost your metabolism by as much 50% for a couple of hours.
The faster your metabolism, the more calories you burn – and the faster you lose weight!

Tip 9: Why a Veggie Sandwich May Not Be the Best Choice

Vegetables are nutrient-dense and low in calories, making them a dieter’s best friend. They also make fine sandwich toppings, but you might want to add a little protein to keep your hunger under control.
If you eat a sandwich made from bread and vegetables, you’re getting quite a lot of carbohydrates. While the veggies (and possibly the bread) contain some fiber, the sandwich probably won’t satisfy your hunger for very long.
That’s because the sandwich contains no protein or fat. Protein is important for nourishing your muscles and helping your body burn carbs at a slower rate, keeping your blood sugar stable. Fats do the same thing, and they help you feel fuller longer.
If you still want a 100% veggie sandwich, add some heart-healthy fats like avocado slices, 2% cheese slices, or olive oil to keep you satisfied.
How would you like to transform your body without living at the gym? Check out Tom Venuto’s“Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle” powerful weight loss system:

Tomorrow's Tips:

Tip 10: The Truth about Negative Calorie Foods
Tip 11: Using Thermogenic Foods to Burn More Calories
Tip 12: Foods that Fight Abdominal Fat


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