Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Benefits of Coffee

Is Coffee a Health Drink?

For coffee lovers. those of you who love coffee would be surprised to hear that your most beloved drink can also be considered as a health drink nowadays.

Before, coffee was not considered as a health drink because of its high caffeine content. But now, more and more studies show that coffee—in moderation—can be considered as a health drink because of the number of benefits one can enjoy from drinking it.

In most workplace settings, a normal person can consume at least four cups of steaming brewed coffee in a day. This is to keep him or her to stay alert and awake in the next hours. In most countries, coffee is considered as a staple drink. In fact, all over the world, people have their specialty coffee from beans that only grow and found in that part of the globe.

Friday, October 19, 2012


Do You Know the Health Risk of Being Overweight?


In today's world, everything is faster passed and it seems like we never have enough time in a day to do everything we want to do. Somewhere in the midst of all this madness we have to find time to eat. With barely enough time to cook, most people turn to the fast food and snack foods. But there's a consequence for this. Obesity. As a nation, we lead the world in the number of obese people and health issues related to being obese. The fast food and processed foods we eat are loaded not only with fat but also a host of chemicals and ingredients that wreak havoc on our bodies. Ask most people who are overweight and they have no idea that the health issues they're dealing with is most likely related to their diet. Information is the key in this situation. People need to be informed about the risk associated with being overweight in a simple and practical way.

The Risk of Being Overweight

What Am I at Risk For?

Don't let this be you!
Weighing too much may increase your risk for developing many health
problems. If you are overweight or obese, you may be at risk for:

Don't feel like you're doomed. You may be able to lower your health risks by losing weight,
doing regular physical activity, and eating healthfully. This does require some dedication on your part, but if you're serious about your health and changing your lifestyle, then it should be no problem
The time to start is now. Raise your quality of life and make that change today.


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Lose Weight Like a Celebrity

If Maria Carey can do it, so can you. So many stars are losing weight and it's easy to think that they only can do it because they have the money. However, that is not true. You can do it just like them if you just follow a few of the same eating and exercise plans that they do.

Make this a lifestyle, not a "thing." To be healthy requires a healthy lifestyle, so learn as much as you can but take it one day at a time. And remember, don't overwhelm yourself by trying to do everything at one time. Implement one thing at a time, and when you have become consistent with that then take the next step.