Thursday, December 13, 2012

45 Fantastic Ways to Burn Calories

OK, here are the next 3 tips on how to burn calories. Remember, check in everyday and you will receive 3 new tips from my ebook 45 Fantastic Ways To Burn Calories. I will publish 3 per day for two weeks. By the end of the two weeks, you will have the whole ebook free of charge.

Note: If you miss any of the tips for the day, simply check for the label on the right-hand side of the screen under -- burn calories (tips 1-3, etc.). Click the tips tag that you missed, and copy them to read. Also, feel free to send them to your friends, family, etc.

I appreciate all of you who have been following this series everyday. Right now, because I understand that some of you would like to get the book in its full form, I'm going to give you the chance to get the whole book, and yes, it's still free. If you want the book 45 Fantastic Ways To Burn Calories, then just go to: Weightlosstipsclub
For a great addition to this book, check out Nutritious Appetite
Now for today's tips.

Tip 34: Exercising with Kids Underfoot


As any new parent will tell you, kids are a full-time job unto themselves. But many moms and dads regard the birth of a child as a new phase in life, and they want to take the opportunity to shed excess pounds and be the best parent they can be.

So how do busy parents make time when they have a demanding infant or toddler underfoot? There are several tactics, actually.

First, try to get someone to watch the baby while you sneak in a workout. You never know; your spouse or parents might cherish the thought of having some regular one-on-one time with the new arrival.

If babysitters are scarce, try some exercises you can do with the baby. If you have an infant, join a stroller walking club for fun and fitness. If you have a toddler or older child, take them to the park or swimming pool. You’ll have a good time while you get fit!

Tip 35: Burn More Calories While You Run Errands


Your calorie burning doesn’t have to be limited to workout sessions. In fact, you can burn calories all day long while you go about your daily tasks.

Think about it: How much time do you spend sitting in traffic, standing in line at the grocery store, and sitting at a desk? That’s a lot of sedentary time you could spend getting a little extra calorie burn.

When you’re driving around, try sitting up straight and sucking in your stomach. Visualize your bellybutton pulling back toward your spine. Hold this clench for 10 seconds, then release. Repeat as often as you can.

Butt-squeezes sound funny, but they are an excellent way to tone your backside. Plus, nobody will even realize you’re doing them! While sitting or standing, clench your glutes as hard as you can. Hold for a count of 10, then release and repeat. Practice until you can hold the clench for 30 seconds.

Of course, you can always burn more calories by parking far away from store entrances and taking stairs instead of elevators. Every little bit helps!

Tip 36: Calculate your BMR


Before you burn calories, you need to know how many calories your body needs in order to function properly. You can find this out by calculating your basal metabolic rate, or BMR.

There are many detailed BMR calculators online, but here are some simple rules that will give you a good estimate of your caloric needs:

  • To lose weight, you need to eat 12 to 13 calories per pound of body weight.
  • To maintain your weight, you need 15 to 16 calories per pound.
  • To gain weight, you need 18 to 19 calories per pound.

Thus, a 150 pound person needs at least 1,800 calories each day to lose weight and keep their body running efficiently. This requirement can vary according to gender, age, medical conditions, and activity level. You can receive more customized results from online BMR calculators or your health care provider.


Tomorrow's Tips:
Tip 37: Find Your Target Heart Rate

Tip 38: Burn Calories While You Work

Tip 39: Burn Calories in Your Garden

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