Tuesday, September 18, 2012

7 Power Foods for Healthy Living

Think what you eat has nothing to do with how you feel? Think again. Truer words have never been spoken "you are what you eat."

The foods we eat can have a direct effect on our brain chemistry, thus influencing our mood. Moreover, our bodies are effected on a cellular level which contributes to how much energy we have throughout the day. Here are just a few ways in which eating right can help the body:
  • The body is better able to cope with stress
  • The immune system is strengthened
  • Sleep is improved
  • A clearer, more focused mind
I know what you may be thinking, "But I just don't have the time to eat healthy. My schedule is too busy and I have to eat on the go." Well, I understand that and the good news is that there is something you can do even if you have a busy schedule. Remember, every step counts. So here are 7 power foods that you can eat just about any time and any place,  increasing  your overall health and energy.


This is a fruit that is renowned for its health benefits. Blueberries have the highest antioxidant of all fresh fruit. These antioxidants help to to reduce free radicals in the body, and also boosts your immune system.

Blueberries contain anthocyanins and other pigments high in antioxidant properties possibly having a role in reducing risks of inflammatory diseases and certain cancers. The pterostilbene, anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, and resveratrol (that stuff that fights against wrinkles), all help to inhibit the cell development of cancers.

Blueberries are also a good source of vitamin C, manganese, fiber, and vitamin E , and are low in calories! Many studies have found that blueberry consumption lowers cholesterol and total blood lipid levels, possibly reducing the risks of heart disease and high blood pressure. Even more studies have found that a diet rich in blueberries may enhance short-term memory in older adults while reducing symptoms of depression.


Apples are something like an American icon. We make pies with them, juice, ciders, and many other things. Little do we know apples are one of the most medicinal fruits out there. One thing that apples help with (and I know this from personal experience), is heartburn. Better known as acid reflux. I used to take all the antacid pills until one day I ate an apple instead and within five minutes my heartburn was gone. I kept doing it to see if it was just that one time and it wasn't. So I stopped using the pills and just ate an apple whenever I got heartburn. That was five years ago. Here are some other benefits of the almighty apple:
  •  Whitens teeth
  •  Fights cancer
  •  Protects against Parkinson's Disease
  •  Reduces cholesterol
  •  Decreases risk of Diabetes
  •  Helps build a healthy heart
  •  Helps with regular bowel movements
  •  Detoxify the liver
  •  Increased immune health


One of the most nutritious nuts around, almonds provide a hefty dose of protein, fiber, and Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. They also contain iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin E. The monounsaturated fat found in almonds is the same type found in olive oil and salmon, which studies show helps fight high cholesterol and heart disease. The American Heart Association recommends at least four handful-sized servings of almonds and other seeds and nuts per week. The large quantities of mono- and polyunsaturated fats found in almonds are helpful in reducing your heart disease risk if you eat them to replace saturated or trans fats because they help reduce "bad" cholesterol levels and reduce plaque buildup in your arteries. Another heart-healthy perk of eating almonds is that they contain about 10 to 20 percent of your daily magnesium needs; being too low in magnesium can increase your blood pressure and contribute to heart attacks.


Not only loaded with fiber and foliate, black beans also contain manganese, protein, manganese, thiamine, and iron. Besides contributing to heart health, black beans also help to control blood sugar levels. As a complex carbohydrate, black beans slowly release glucose (sugar) into your body, thus not causing an insulin spike. 

Black beans contain at least 8 different flavonoids with enormous antioxidant potential. Studies have connected black bean consumption with reduced risk of certain cancers, particularly against colon adenoma, a non-cancerous tumor that can progress into colon cancer.


Like the power foods mentioned before it, broccoli contains phytonutrients that help prevent chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer. When eaten raw, broccoli retains all of those nutrients that are so important to our health. If you like it cooked, then steamed or lightly boiled may be best. Other benefits of broccoli include:
  1. Reduced levels of the female hormone estrogen in men, thereby increasing levels of testosterone
  2. Helps keep sugar levels low in diabetics
  3. Broccoli and other leafy green vegetables contain powerful phytochemical antioxidants in the carotenoid family called lutein and zeaxanthin, both of which are concentrated in large quantities in the lens of the eye.

#6 CITRUS FRUITS (Oranges, Grapefruit, lemon, limes)

These fruits are loaded with vitamin C and other phytonutrients that boost immune resistance and cellular health. Commonly thought of as just a good source of vitamin C, citrus fruits also contain an impressive list of other essential nutrients, including both glycaemic and non-glycaemic carbohydrate (sugars and fibre), potassium, folate, calcium, thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and a variety of phytochemicals. Additionally, citrus contains no fat, sodium, or cholesterol.


Falling in this category are foods like barley, brown rice, buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, and wholewheat bread, pasta, and cereals; all of which are great sources of complex carbohydrates, fiber, and other minerals. This is especially important for diabetics, since they must be particularly careful about foods that are high in sugar and spike insulin levels. These complex carbs break down slowly in the body, releasing sugar very slowly, not causing insulin levels to spike. Because of this, eating whole grains makes for a good way to lose weight and keep it off. Here are just a few whole grains to get you started:
  • Beans and Legumes
    • kidney, black, garbanzo, lentils, and split peas
  • Quinoa. Quinoa is a whole grain that, among other things, relaxes the blood vessels and helps with cardiovascular health
  • Potatoes. Potatoes are a good source of Vitamin C, vitamin B6, copper, potassium, manganese, and dietary fiber. The skin of the potato is high in fiber, so keep the skin on when you cook for the best benefits


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